Photo of Martín Soubiate Argentina

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Born November 4, 1974 in Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires Prov. He currently resides in Federal Capital. Studies: 1997-1998 Aoniken Painting Workshop with Professor Ruben Soriente. 2001-2004 Arts Workshop at the University of San Andres with Professor Maria Silvia Etcheverry. 1998-2007 Painting Workshop with Professor Hugo Balmaceda Solo Exhibitions: 2007 Urban Art - Hotel Madero by Sofitel. 2006 Soubiate 06 - Sempere Museum -...

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Photo of Martín Soubiate Argentina

Born November 4, 1974 in Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires Prov. He currently resides in Federal Capital. Studies: 1997-1998 Aoniken Painting Workshop with Professor Ruben Soriente. 2001-2004 Arts Workshop at the University of San Andres with Professor Maria Silvia Etcheverry. 1998-2007 Painting Workshop with Professor Hugo Balmaceda Solo Exhibitions: 2007 Urban Art - Hotel Madero by Sofitel. 2006 Soubiate 06 - Sempere Museum - Burzaco. 2006 Tango - Art House Art house - Buenos Aires. 2006 New Works, NH Florida Hotel Buenos Aires. 2005 Solo exhibition - Hall JosLuis Cabezas - Congress of the nation. 2005 Sample 14 - Municipal Casa de la Cultura de Almirante Brown, Buenos Aires Province Soubiate Martn 2004 - Gallery of Infinity - Buenos Aires. 2004 Works 2004 - Space between bumps - Adrogu Prov.Bs.As. 2003 Paintings - Gallery of Art Delle - Buenos Aires. 2003 Series abstract - Torres del Libertador - Buenos Aires. Urban Paintings 2002 - Hotel NH Latino - Buenos Aires. 2002 cafes and Tango - Osmecom cultural space - Lomas de Zamora Prov.Bs.As. 2002 Martn Soubiate 02 - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes Quilmes Prov.Bs.As. 2002 images, 2002 - Urban cultural space - Buenos Aires. 2002 33 Artworks - Boulevard Shopping Adrogu Prov.Bs.As. 2001 "Individual Exhibition" - Boulevard Shopping - Adrogu-Prov.Bs.As. 2001 "Paintings and Sculptures" - Casa de Arte La Rosada - Adrogu Prov.Bs.As. 2001 "Hearts Tangos" - Banco Credicoop - Turdera Prov.Bs.As. 2000 "Dear Cele" Paintings and Sculptures - Art Gallery Art x Art "Buenos Aires. 1999 "The Corazny The Tango" - Banco Credicoop - Turdera Prov.Bs.As. Group exhibitions and shows: 1998 "Summer Show 98" - Friends of the Galley - Art Gallery "El Sur" - Lomas de Zamora. 1999 "Claudio Len Sempere Museum" - Burzaco - Province of Buenos Aires. 1999 "Winter Contest" - Cultural Center "The Ochava" Banfield Prov.Bs.As. 2 Painting Prize 1999 "Museum of Television" - Buenos Aires. 2000 "Salon III: Little Format" - City of Alte. Brown. 2000 Autumn Contest Art House "The Pink" Adrogu. January 2001 Foundation Painting Award in October "National Competition" - Buenos Aires. 2001 "contest last year" - Cultural Center "The Ochava" Banfield. 1 Painting Prize 2001 "contest last year" - Cultural Center "The Ochava" Banfield. 2 Sculpture Prize 2001 Victoria University of San Andres Buenos Aires Prov. 2001 Boulevard Shopping - Buenos Aires Adrogu Prov. 2001 Convention and Exhibition Centre Malargue Prov.Mendoza Thesaurus. October 2002 National Competition Foundation Buenos Aires. City Salon 2002 San Isidro - San Isidro Prov.Buenos Aires. 2002 VII Bienal de Arte - Morn Prov.Buenos Aires. Medium Format Competition 2003 Friends of the good press Adrogu 1 Mention of Honour 2003 Contemporary Painting Art Salon XXI - Buenos Aires. 2003 Union Competition TV Medium Format Argentino-Buenos Aires 2 2003 Painting Competition Award: Little Format Nicols Avellaneda - 2003 Painting Competition Award Adrogu1 Medium Format CL Sempere Museum - 3 Award Burzaco 2003 Hall of Tango Painting and Porters Barrios XXI-New Abasto Buenos Aires. 2003 students UdeS Show 2003 Victoria Prov.Buenos Aires. 2003 1 Social Salon de Arte Joven UTPBA - Buenos Aires. Special Mention 2004 Contest CL Medium Format Sempre Burzaco Museum. Medium Format Library 2004 N. Competition Avellaneda 2 Painting Prize 2005 University of San Andres - Victoria Prov.Buenos Aires. Medium Format Competition 2006 Casa de la Cultura Almirante Brown. Mention of Honor ART AND COMMITMENT The opportunity presented to me is doubly singular, meet to assess the possibility of plastic reality so vivid and expressive content obvious, such as that presented Martn Soubiate, and the ability to comment on the tangible reality of a social conscience, so suitable for artistic representation as any other, but the palette is strengthened Soubiate human translating social factors in a dynamic of expressive representation. Expressionism maintains that unites basic rules in the technique, fundamental values common to all painters, whether by force of inner feeling that moves, such as colors, material and contrasts. Soubiate shows in his work all the determining factors of the society in which it develops, and in fact, not being outside the aesthetic conditioning installed in most of the painters of the Southern Cone, can express the strength and ability to s synthesis that allows her youth, while abstracting the deepest feelings of the fundamental characteristic of Latin feel, which is a part. Strength and power in movement, light and color balance in the composition, give the work of Martn universal values that accompany a transcendent reason. To increase the expression, Soubiate compresses the space and provokes confrontation between the figures and the world around them, thereby achieving a double reality. l is not part however, the reality reflected in his paintings. Remains outside of them. His view is distanced from the metaphor, and ahentronca with the reality represented by the Impressionists, but unlike ters, load your color palette, blurring the environment, constrained in order to get the object viewer is painted the situation around them. Seem to be saying look at me ... but I also see you. One concern young, unhappy and brief, as befits this young painter, who already in his short career, has shown considerable support technician, while a deep feeling in their claims. Seems to have understood, so soon, that the fundamental quality of the artist is shown in sentiment, and not the plasmacin everyday reality. His characters, like Cezanne ocurraa will express specific individual feelings that transcend the work of art. Everything has a dense background, nothing impromptu or casual, because the intention is decisive and intimate. Soubiate is finally a man of his time, able to capture distant realities, and interpret them as their own, in a juxtaposition of feelings that make you go from the reality of Argentina to a universal reality that their characters or symbols expressing naturally. Life is pure eexpresin. Manolo Gonzalez - Fuengirola, Malaga

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